Unlock your limitless potential through this one-day course

Welcome to "Accomplish" VIP Day!

Are You Ready to Achieve Your Goals with Laser Focus?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your goals, unsure of where to start, or lacking the support you need to make them a reality?

It's time to take control and make your dreams a reality with our exclusive "Accomplish" VIP Day.

What is "Accomplish" VIP Day?

"Accomplish" VIP Day is a tailored experience designed to help you break through barriers, set actionable goals, and make significant progress in just one day. This intensive day is crafted to maximize your productivity, focus, and results, providing you with the clarity and support you need to excel.

What's Included:

  • 1-Hour Prep Session: Before your VIP Day, we'll have a dedicated hour to dive deep into your goals, challenges, and aspirations. This ensures that our VIP Day is fully customized to your needs, making every moment count.

  • 5-Hour VIP Day: Your VIP Day is a power-packed session, spanning 5 hours of focused work with dedicated attention to your goals. This includes two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute break to recharge and reflect, ensuring you stay energized and ready to conquer.

  • 30 Days of Post VIP Day Voxer Support: The support doesn't end with the VIP Day. For the next 30 days, you'll have direct access to me via Voxer. Whether you need accountability, guidance, or have questions, I'll be there to support you every step of the way.

This self-paced course will effortlessly guide you through the following...

Module 1

Pressure and Overwhelm are NOT Serving You

Learn why being in a state of calm is important for your success and how to recognize when you are in a pressurized state.

Module 2

How to Use the Power of Calm to Release Pressure

Stop hiding your self-doubt behind a smile and trade your inner control freak for relaxed confidence (how to get out of your own way!).

module 3

The Thought Behaviors that are Keeping You Stuck

Finally be able to choose how you want to feel each and every day by learning what is interfering with your happiness, success, and what you truly desire.

What You'll Achieve:

  • Clarity & Focus: Gain crystal-clear clarity on your goals and the actionable steps needed to achieve them.

  • Breakthroughs: Overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles that have been holding you back.

  • Productivity: Learn effective strategies to boost your productivity and make the most of your time.

  • Accountability: Stay on track with personalized support, ensuring you reach

could you imagine

How amazing this would feel?

If you could finally STOP hustling and surviving. Instead, ignite your inner power of calm and effortlessly elevate in your business.

  • No more white-knuckling and hustling your way through your days.

  • Rid your life of pressure and overwhelm - it isn't serving you.

  • Stop chasing external results and allow things to flow effortlessly to you within your business.

  • Learn to truly love yourself and escape the self-doubt and insecurity.

  • Become aware of resistance and learn how to move through it to reach your biggest desires.

  • Feel more confident, focused, and productive. Make the moves in your business that you've put off for so long.

nice to meet you!

I'm stacey, your fave empowerment coach.

Stacey McFarland embodies the power of calm. Her own personal journey of growing, healing and connecting to her true self was the unstoppable force behind her career as an empowerment coach for women in business and founder of Soul Studio. Her belief that Success Is An Inside Job helps women to stop focusing and chasing external circumstances and tap into their souls to create success from a place of ease, peace, and compassion. 

Stacey was awarded, by the local Chamber of Commerce, Business Person of the Year. This award was given to her in 2020 during the uncertain times of the pandemic shutdown. She has been praised for her ability to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude while pivoting her business in a new direction that not only helped her business survive, it thrived!

Stacey is a sought-after Transformational Speaker and Empowerment Coach. She is passionate about helping female leaders navigate their journey to achieving it all while stressing less. Her high level mindset coaching includes body regulation and is proven to work 100% of the time. Her clients have next level results in their business and personal lives.

nice to meet you!

I'm stacey, your fave empowerment coach.

Before I discovered this work, I lived in a constant state of pressure and overwhelm. I was determined, come hell or high water, to be a successful business person. This way of life caused me to force everything….head down…push push push. I was so overwhelmed and I would just zip up those feelings with a shell of perfection. It was exhausting!

Transform is the HOW behind the feeling good! It's a new way to achieve all of your dreams, goals, desires without feeling pressure and overwhelm! Hell yeah! From this work came my mantra….The calmer I am, the more prosperous I become. Ahhhhh read that again.

I became certified so I could share this life changing work with other women and let them know there's another way! A way where you listen to that voice inside that is guiding you. Crushing your goals and desires from a life of calm and ease!

Ready to Accomplish More?

Limited spots are available for "Accomplish" VIP Day, so don't wait to secure your spot! To reserve your place or learn more, simply click

Stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress towards your goals. It's time to Accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Let's do this together!

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